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Privacy Statement

For Job Applicants & Members of Amgen Talent Network

The Amgen logo is etched into the side of a building on campus.

Terms and Conditions

Amgen Careers Online Privacy Statement

Privacy Notice

Amgen Inc., Amgen Europe GmbH, and their affiliated entities (collectively, "Amgen," "We," "Our" or "Us") are committed to respecting your privacy. This Privacy Notice ("Privacy Notice") applies to information that We collect from you for processing of your personal data such as name, account login, contact details (e.g., email and phone number, professional information, CV), for the purpose of potential talent recruitment, acquisition and management. This Privacy Notice does not apply to information that We may collect from you by other methods. This notice explains Our Services, what types of personal information We collect, how We collect, use, share, and protect personal information, and the choices you have. By providing your personal information, you agree that you fully understand and unambiguously consent for Amgen to further process information you have provided.

Residents of the State of California - please see the end of this Privacy Notice for the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Privacy Notice

Information We Collect

We have access to the following categories of information about you and your use of Our Services. Only some of this information identifies you directly, but some information that does not identify you directly could be used to make inferences about you and, if combined with other information, might be capable of identifying you.

Information That You Provide

Personally Identifiable Information. "Personally Identifiable Information" is information that could be used to identify or contact you and includes data such as your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and biographical information. There may be many other kinds of Personally Identifiable Information, the foregoing list is provided by example only.

User Registration. You may manage the personal information We are processing about you on this Site after registering. For registration, you must create a new User Account. The new User Account set up requires an e-mail address and password. As part of your potential talent acquisition and management process, you will be required to provide the following Personally Identifiable Information: first name, last name, country, home phone number, e-mail address and source that referred you to Amgen, a resume and additional information, such as your employment and educational history on your application.

We encourage you to exercise good security practices by memorizing your e-mail address and password or keeping them in a safe place (separate from any Personally Identifiable Information), logging out of your User Account and closing your Web browser before leaving your computer. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your User Name and password. You may not share your password with anyone else, temporarily or permanently, and you will be responsible for all uses of your User Account, whether or not authorized by you. You agree to immediately notify Us if you become aware of any unauthorized use of your User Account.

Any Personally Identifiable Information you provide in the relationship is kept in Our system as allowed by applicable law, unless you send Us an e-mail at asking Us to delete/purge it. Once the information is purged, We will keep your Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Veterans and Disability demographics (if applicable) in Our system as required by applicable law and any legal holds. For more information, see the section below entitled Access, Correct, Update, or Delete* Personally Identifiable Information.

Correspondence with Amgen. You may report problems with the Site by e-mailing Us at If you send Us an e-mail, We will have your e-mail address as well as all other information you include in your e-mail.

Information That Is Routinely Collected By Our Site Technology

General Use. We automatically collect information about use of Our Site and Services through data collection tools, such as web beacons and cookies.

A "web beacon" is a piece of code that enables Us to monitor user activity and traffic on Our Site. A "cookie" is a randomly-generated unique numeric code stored in the user's Web browser settings or computer's hard drive. A cookie typically contains the name of the domain (internet location) from which the cookie originated, the "lifetime" of the cookie (i.e. when it expires), as well as the randomly generated unique numeric code. A cookie may be associated with Personally Identifiable Information you have provided while registering at Our Site. We use the information We collect through these data collection tools to monitor usage patterns, store information about user preferences and to improve Our Site and Services for a more enhanced personal user experience. In addition, We may use the information We collect through these data collection tools to provide you with information on job openings that may interest you.

How We Use and Disclose Your Information

We use information about your activities and use of Our Services gathered in the manners described above to monitor user traffic patterns, analyze what Our users prefer so that We can improve Our Services, and potentially provide you with information about jobs that may be of interest to you.

Use of Personally Identifiable Information. If you create a User Account on Our Site, We will use the Personally Identifiable Information you provide Us to (1) send you an e-mail verifying that you created an account on Our Site (2) contact you if We need more information related to your potential, (3) respond to questions from you, (4) contact you about jobs that may be of interest to you; and/or (5) possibly update you about changes affecting the Site, Our Services, or your User Account. As noted above, this Site is owned and operated by Amgen Inc. in the U.S. The information that you provide will be accessible to Amgen Inc. in the USA and Our subsidiaries in other countries. The information you provide will also be accessible to countries We contract with that are located in countries around the world to assist with the Services such as recruitment process vendors and recruiters. We reserve the right to contact you regarding your User Account, changes to Our Site or related terms, and any other matter that might affect you or Our Services. We may combine the Personally Identifiable Information from your User Account with other information that We otherwise obtain in connection with your professional experience, including information you provide to Us (such as by mail, fax, or phone) or authorize Us to obtain, and information from third parties.

Use of IP Address. In addition to logging the IP address of your computer as you move about Our Site, We also may use your IP address to personalize Site content. We retain IP addresses, and We may retain them together with Personally Identifiable Information that you provide and use such information for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Statement, such as contacting you about jobs that may be of interest to you.

Limited Disclosure of Your Information. Except as set forth in this Privacy Statement or as you specifically agree or direct, We will not disclose to any third parties any information We collect from or about you through Our Services.

Disclosure for Legal or Safety Reasons. We may need to release Personally Identifiable Information and other information associated with Personally Identifiable Information to third parties: (1) to respond to a request, inquiry, or complaint that you have made; (2) to comply with valid legal requirements such as a law, regulation, search warrant, subpoena or court order; (3) in the event of an emergency that threatens an individual's life, health or security; or (4) in special cases in which We believe it is reasonably necessary to investigate, identify, or take preventative measures or bring legal action against someone who may commit or cause harm, fraud, abuse, or illegal conduct, such as a threat of harm to you or anyone else, interference with Our rights or property, or interference with U.S. homeland or national security or public safety anywhere in the world. In the event of an emergency, or if We are legally compelled to disclose your Personally Identifiable Information to a third party, We will notify you, unless We believe that doing so would violate the law or court order, or pose a threat or danger to anyone, or where it would seriously impede the proper execution of Our business operations. We will also take measures to ensure that the requesting entity understands the need to protect any Personally Identifiable Information that it may receive. We also reserve the right to cooperate with law enforcement authorities in disclosing information for the purpose of (1) investigating and prosecuting users who violate the rules of Our Services, Our Terms of Use or engage in behavior that may be a breach of an agreement, illegal or harmful to Us, Our property, or others, or is a threat to U.S. homeland or national security, public safety anywhere in the world, or the conduct of international affairs, and (2) assisting such authorities in the administration of any law.

Disclosure to Operations and Maintenance Contractors. We may contract with third parties to provide services for Our Site or Services. These contractors include vendors and suppliers who provide technology, content, and other services, recruiters, vendors who analyze data collected on Our Site, and vendors who send and/or respond to e-mail on Our behalf (each, a "Contractor"). These Contractors may have access to your Personally Identifiable Informaiton in order to provide services to Us or on Our behalf. As noted above, the information you provide will also be accessible to companies We contract with that are located in countries around the world to assist with the Services such as recruitment process vendors. If We allow a Contractor to have access to your Personally Identifiable Information, We will not authorize the Contractor to use or disclose the information for any purpose that is not consistent with this Privacy Statement. By using Our Services, you unequivocally consent to such use and disclosure of data as described herein, and as otherwise stated in this Privacy Statement.

Disclosure to Subsequent Owner or Operator. If We assign Our rights and obligations regarding any of your information at the time of a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or substantially all of Our assets to a subsequent owner or operator of this Site and Our Services, you will be deemed to have consented to the disclosure to, and use by, such subsequent owner or operator, of any information about you contained in Our files and records. In the event of such a merger, acquisition, or sale, your continued use of the Site or any Services signifies your agreement to be bound by the privacy policy and other applicable terms of the subsequent owner or operator.

Consent to Processing in the United States ("U.S.") and elsewhere.

This Site is owned and operated by Amgen Inc. in the U.S. The information that you provide will be accessible to Amgen Inc. in the USA but also to Our subsidiaries in other countries. The information you provide will also be accessible to companies We contract with that are located in countries around the world to assist with the Services such as recruitment process vendors and recruiters.

Furthermore, if you are visiting this Site from a country other than the U.S., your communication with Us will necessarily result in the transfer of information across international boundaries. The level of legal protection for personal information is not equivalent in all countries; however, We will take the security measures described below to keep your data as secure as reasonably practical, and in accordance with applicable law and Our Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs). For information on Our BCRs, please visit By using Our Site or Services, you unambiguously consent to the collection, storage, and processing of your information in the U.S. and in any country to which We may transfer such information in the course of Our business operations, and as otherwise stated in this Privacy Statement or other relevant terms.

This Site and its Services have been developed for use by Amgen recruiters and individuals for potential talent management and employment with Amgen and/or its subsidiaries. Amgen will not knowingly collect, maintain, disclose or otherwise process Personally Identifiable Information (defined below) of any individual who is deemed a minor in the jurisdiction where he or she resides. If you are a minor, please do not provide Us with any such information about yourself.

Our Security Measures

We want your personal information to remain as secure as reasonably possible.

Data Security. When you transmit Personally Identifiable Information directly to Our Site (as opposed to sending an e-mail), We use encryption technology to protect the integrity and privacy of the data. As an added security precaution, all Personally Identifiable Information is kept physically behind firewalls that meet or exceed industry standards to prevent intruders from gaining access. Although We will make reasonable efforts to protect Personally Identifiable Information from loss, misuse, or alteration by third parties, you should be aware that there is always some risk that an unauthorized third party could intercept an Internet transmission, or that someone will find a way to thwart Our security systems.

Links to Other Sites; Advertisements

We may advertise job openings on other Web sites and allow those sites to link to Our Site. We do not permit third party advertisements on Our Site.

Please be aware that We do not endorse or recommend the content or services of third party sites, and We are not responsible for the privacy practices, other terms, or content of such sites. We encourage you to be aware of and read the privacy policy and other terms of each site you visit on the Internet. Remember, the statements in this Privacy Statement apply solely to information collected by Us through this Site.

Social Media Plugins. Our Site uses social media plugins (e.g., the Facebook "Like" button, "Share to Twitter" button) to enable you to easily share information with others. When you visit Our Site, the operator of the social plugin can place a cookie on your computer, enabling that operator to recognize individuals who have previously visited Our Site. If you are logged into the social media website (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Google+) while browsing on Our Site, the social plugins allow that social media website to receive information that you have visited Our Site. The social plugins also allow the social media website to share information about your activities on Our Site with other users of their social media website. For example, Facebook Social Plugins allows Facebook to show your Likes and comments on Our pages to your Facebook friends. Facebook Social Plugins also allows you to see your friends' Facebook activity on Our Site. We do not control any of the content from the social media plugins. For more information about social plugins from other social media websites you should refer to those sites' privacy and data sharing statements.

Your Privacy Choices

When you use this Site, you have the following choices about the information you provide.

Accept/Reject Cookies. Your browser software can be set to reject all cookies, but if you reject Our cookies, certain functions and conveniences of Our Site may not work properly. To learn more about cookies, please check your Web browser's help or similar feature or visit:

Do-Not-Track Signals and Similar Mechanisms. Some web browsers may transmit "do-not-track" signals to websites with which the browser communicates. As of the Effective Date of this Privacy Statement, an industry standard has not yet been established on how to respond to these signals. Therefore, We do not currently respond to these signals, but We will reassess Our response approach once a standard is established.

Access, Correct, Update, or Delete* Personally Identifiable Information. You may access, correct or update Personally Identifiable Information that you have provided to Our Site at any time by sending an email to, subject to certain restrictions imposed by applicable law. You may also request deletion/purge of your User Account by sending an e-mail to Where required by applicable law, We will notify you if We cannot accommodate such requests to correct, update or delete information, and provide and explanation as to why We cannot do so.

*Deletion Policy. Your registered account is fully manageable by you, if at any time after registration you wish to delete your account you may do so by logging in to your account and choosing option to "delete account". All information that you provide via Our Services is stored in servers that are operated and maintained by Us and/or Contractors. If you choose to send a request (by e-mailing Us at, We will delete/purge your User Account, resume and the Personally Identifiable Information stored in the databases that We actively use for recruitment if and when that information is no longer needed for any business or legal purpose, including within limitation any litigation hold order(s). In addition, after receiving your request for removal, We will use commercially reasonable efforts to remove your Personally Identifiable Information and not disclose any Personally Identifiable Information about you, except as required by law.

Retention of Personal Identifiable Information. Amgen will maintain copies of information about you, including Personally Identifiable Information and information used to make a decision about you, for at least as long as required to fulfill the purposes set out in this Privacy Statement, as necessary for business purposes, and in accordance with applicable law, including U.S. federal, state and local laws, and the laws of other countries.

Withdrawal of Consent. You may withdraw your consent to the purposes of which We collect, use and disclose your Personally Identifiable Information as set out in this Privacy Statement by e-emailing Us at and requesting deletion of your User Account. For more information about Our Deletion Policy, please see above. After withdrawing your consent, you will no longer be able to access your User Account. You can still search for jobs and if you want to apply you will need to create a new User Account.

Communicate with Us by E-mail. You may communicate with Us via e-mail at if you have questions about the Services of this Site, but please be aware of the limits on the confidentiality of e-mail communications. While We will not disclose Personally Identifiable Information that We receive in e-mail unless such disclosure is necessary to respond to your request or inquiry, or is otherwise permitted as described above, all e-mail transmissions are vulnerable to unauthorized interception. In addition, We remind you that e-mail sent or received through an employer's computer or computer system is not confidential and may be the legal property of your employer.

Communicate with Us by Mobile. I agree to receive communication in terms of scheduling interviews via mobile. Please note that mobile communication may vary depending on the country.

Handling of Complaints. We endeavor to promptly and appropriately handle complaints relating to the handling of Personally Identifiable Information. Such complaints, any questions or comments about this Privacy Notice or if you wish to make use of your rights under the applicable local Data Protection Laws may be directed to or Amgen Data Protection Office at We will acknowledge receipt of a complaint promptly, and will exercise reasonable efforts to respond to complaints within 30 days of receipt (or sooner if required by applicable law).

If you live in Australia and are not satisfied with the manner in which We have addressed your complaint, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner:

Online:    Phone: 1300 363 992

Email:          Fax: +61 2 92849666

Mail: GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001 or GPO Box 2999 Canberra ACT 2601

If you live in Brazil and are not satisfied with the manner in which We have addressed your complaint, you may contact Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados at:

If you live in Canada and are not satisfied with the manner in which We have addressed your complaint, you may contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada at the following address:

Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada 112 Kent Street

Place de Ville Tower B, 3rd Floor

Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1H3

If you reside in the EU and feel that Amgen's processing your personal information violates applicable law, rule or regulation, you have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority. The contact details of your country's supervisory authority can be located here:

If you reside in any EU member state, see additional rights below:

Access, correct or delete the personal information about you that we process. You have a right to request to access, correct/update or delete your personal information (including your health information). You may make such a request at any time, by contacting your Data Protection Officer at We will provide you with access to the information we hold about you, correct/update, and or delete that information.

If you live in India and are not satisfied with the manner in which We have addressed your complaint, contact the Data Protection Board of India.

If you live in Saudi Arabia and are not satisfied with the manner in which We have addressed your complaint, you may contact the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority at:

If you live in Switzerland and are not satisfied with the manner in which We have addressed your complaint, you may contact Eidgenössischer Datenschutz- und Öffentlichkeitsbeauftragter – EDOEB, Feldeggweg 1, 3003 Bern,

If you live in the United Kingdom and feel Amgen's processing your personal information violates any applicable law, rule or regulation, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) at: 

Data Portability. According to the right to data portability, you have the right to request that your personal information provided to Amgen be delivered to you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, subject to certain conditions and can be requested by contacting Amgen's Privacy Office at

Retention of your personal data. We hold your personal information in an electronic files. Electronic files are stored in servers that are operated and maintained by Amgen and third parties under contract with Amgen. Amgen processes your personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Statement and preserves your personal information in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations.

The criteria followed is determined by:

  • The purpose of the personal information collected and the fulfillment of that purpose.
  • The ground on which the personal information are being collected: e.g., in case of consent, you can revoke it at any time.
  • Mandatory retention periods provided by contractual and regulatory requirements.

California Consumer Privacy Act Privacy Notice for Job Applicants

Changes in Our Privacy Statement

We will only use your Personally Identifiable Information in the manner described in the Privacy Statement in effect when you provided the information. However, We reserve the right to change the terms of this Privacy Statement, the Terms of Use, and other related terms at any time by posting the revisions to this Site. All such changes will be effective when posted, and your use of Our Site or any of Our Services thereafter will constitute acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, those changes. Accordingly, you should review the Privacy Statement for this Site each time you visit or log in to this Site. In the event We make any material change to this Privacy Statement that alters the use of your Personally Identifiable Information, We will notify you of such change by email, and you will have the opportunity to have that information deleted in accordance with the Deletion Policy set forth above. For more information visit on-line Amgen Privacy Statements at: